From Hungary
Hungarian guides usually speak the german hunting language.
Area 93.032 km2 |
Citizens 10.102.000 |
Timezone GMT+1 |
Language Hungarian |
Currency Forint |
Formof government Republic |
Capital Budapest |
Number of counties 19 |

Geographical location
Hungary is located in Central-Europe in the Carpathian-basin. Its bordering countries are: Slovakia from the north, Ukraine from the north-east, Romania from the east, Serbia and Croatia from the south, Slovenia from the south-west and Austria from the west.
Natural environment
50% of the country is plainland. The area of Hungary is divided into 6 great land based on natural factors: Great Plains, Small Plains, Transdanubian Mountain Region, Transdanubian Hill Region, “Feet of the Alps”, Northern Mountain Region. The Great Plains are the biggest and most typical region of Hungary.
The two most important rivers of Hungary are the Danube and the Tisza.
Lake Balaton is the biggest lake of Central Europe.
The climate of Hungary is continental. The hottest month is july with an average temperature of 21,7 °C.
The annual amount of precipitation is 500-550 mm in the central region of the Plains and 600-800 mm in the mountain region.
Sunrise / Sunset
The Liszt Ferenc International Airport can be found in Budapest. All the highways and some clearways are payroads, it is possible to use them after buying pre-paid e-tickets. E-tickets can be purchased at bigger gas-stations and border stations. The vouchers are to be kept for a year.
M1 (Budapest – Hegyeshalom)
M2 (Budapest – Rétság)
M3 (Budapest –Vásárosnamény)
M5 (Budapest – Röszke)
M6 (Budapest – Bóly)
M0 highway
M7 (Budapest – Letenye)